Need To do my shopping For Chinese New Year Soon...
Got My Pay today:)CNY Shopping Cum To Do List:
2 pairs of Jeans
2 skirts (maybe can try something long)
2 pairs of Shorts
5 sets of clothes
Vest (maybe,Check whether will be in trend?)
3 pairs of shoes (2 middle heels, 1 flat)
Durable bag (i need a bag:p)
2 necklaces
Paint nails
Tidy my Table
Do IKEA shopping
Help mummy to clean walls (my hse got a lot of walls MAN!)
Decorate the House
Plan how i need to eat During CNY
Must remember go & 'fetch' chicken & prawns for reunion dinner...haha
Must prepare a special vegetarian dish for Mummy
Must buy BEER!!!
Saturday going Expo Sales Again!!! I'm looking Forward to it!!!:P